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Does Cold Weather Make You Sick?

Does Cold Weather Make You Sick? Let’s chat about it.

Cold weather itself doesn’t make you sick. Then why do we always get sick in the winter?! It’s a combination of elements that contribute to increased sicknesses during the winter months.

Keep in mind that in terms of infectious illnesses, you have to come in contact with a virus/bacteria to get sick, not just cold air. Seems like common sense, but you have to make this connection to understand how you get sick.

Cold Weather Illness Contributors:

-Dry Air. With the cold weather comes heated dry air. Dry air does two things, it increases the ability for germs to survive and it dries out your nasal passages. Dry air allows aerosol droplets from sneezes to survive and prosper. Dried out nasal passages have less mucus which leads to an easier entrance for germs. Add in poorly ventilated spaces and your chance of catching an illness increases.

-Cold Air. Though cold air itself does not make you sick, it can contribute by drying out your nasal passages. Spending time outdoors in the cold tends to dry up the mucus in your nose-this is why your nose starts running once you get somewhere warm again. Meanwhile, if you enter into a room full of germs while your nasal passages are dried out, it increases your risk of catching something.

-Indoor Time. The amount of time we spend indoors during the winter months increases our chances of getting sick. This is because during the winter we keep buildings closed up tight and the air circulating throughout these buildings is also circulating the germs of those around us. Add in the dry air and time spent around other people and there you have a recipe for illness.

To conclude, cold weather itself does not make us sick! It the combination of dry air, dry nasal passages, and time together that increases illness rates during the cold months.

Remember to wash your hands, eat healthfully, drink water, get adequate rest, and get adjusted to reduce illness this winter!

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